Day 12 – Family Project

Each day of isolation with your family can really put your relationships to the test. As we all search for creative ways to pass the time, I wanted to share a great family activity that I used on Day 15.

While cleaning up around my house I kept coming across boxes filled with pictures. There were pictures from all of our family trips to Disney, Hershey Park, Puerto Rico, Amsterdam, Mallorca, and weekend trips to the Jersey Shore. I collected them all and ordered a Multi Picture Frame Set from Amazon. The black frame set was only $25.

The plan was to entertain my family (for as long as possible) by going through years of family photos to select the ones that they wanted to put into the frames. We sat on the living room floor and shuffled through hundreds of pictures. It was great to hear, “Dad do you remember this” or “that day was so awesome”. We spent almost three hours reminiscing, laughing, and reflecting on the good times.

My one mistake with this project was that I forgot to order picture hanging hardware. So I had to order, Command Picture Hanging Strips, $7.25.