SXSW Canceled, Princess Cruise Ship Infected

The U.S. has confirmed 310 cases of COVID-19. At least 14 people in the U.S. and more than 3,400 people globally have died from the virus. Coronavirus updates: SXSW canceled; 21 aboard Princess cruise ship infected; 7 more states report cases.

At this point, it looks like anyone planning a vacation had better get travelers insurance.

Almost 5k more

Tracking the Virus

It has been a few days since I posted a snapshot of the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus COVID-19 Global dashboard. This tool is extremely useful, so kudos to the folks that set this up. If things continue to spread, they may need to change the indicators from dots to country shading.

I think that I will post a daily snapshot to record the spread. I suspect that this may continue to grown.

Corona Virus Quarantine

I guess this is my way to vent. There is no way to imagine that the entire planet would grind to a halt as a result of a global pandemic. This will be the start of an interesting few weeks.

I came across this site in an article. It tracks the global spread of the corona virus. Only 62 cases in the US, but Italy and South Korea are getting hit hard.

I plan to update this daily. It might be useful to have a reference point.